Forestry course

Forestry course

The forestry course doesn’t take place at the competition site but in a nearby forest. It contains tasks which has to be carried out in a team of four students (so one team per nation). The competition is performed on aproxmetly a 3 km long orienteering. Inside this area there are 16 control points, where competitors have to measure and count different forestry parameters:

Task 1: The age of the tree

The forestry course contains sixteen tasks which has to be carried out in a team of four students, so one team per nation/school. It doesn’t take place at the competition site but in a nearby forest.

Task 2: The height of the tree above the ground

Task 3: The number of the stems per hectare

Task 4: Basal area (m²/ hectare)

Task 5: Slope of terrain in %

The estimate of slope shall be based upon the height difference between the two marked points. Slope shall be calculated as a percentage from the horizontal distance (Exactness 1 %)

Task 6: Mean diameter

Task 7: Size of the area

Task 8: Volume of the standing tree

Task 9: Volume of the saw log

Task 10: Sample Plot

Task 11: Determining tree species

Task 12: Determining kinds of wood with bark

Task 13: Determining animals

Task 14: Diseases and pests

Task 15: Adventure

Task 16: First Aid in the forest

Posted in Championship.